In accordance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we inform you of the following information:

1. IBERHIELO 1111 SL, with CIF: B98899057, with registered office at Avenida C / Riu Xúquer nº 48, 46960 Pol. Industrial Zamarra, Aldaia (Valencia).
He is currently in charge of the operation, management and operation of the website: www.cerocelsius.com

2. If you want to contact us, you can do it through the contact email: info@cerocelsius.com



1. In general, the contents, structure, design and presentation form of the elements (texts, graphics, images, files, logos, combinations of colors and any element susceptible to protection) are protected by intellectual or industrial property rights, ownership of IBERHIELO 1111 SL, by itself or as assignee of these rights.

2. Reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, making available to the public and, in general, any other form of exploitation, partial or total of the elements referred to in the previous section, are prohibited. These exploitation acts can only be carried out by virtue of the express written authorization of IBERHIELO 1111 SL and, in any case, they must make explicit reference to the ownership of the aforementioned intellectual property rights of IBERHIELO 1111 SL

In this sense, the User is authorized, only and exclusively, for the private and personal use of the content of the Website, provided that the rights of intellectual and industrial property are respected. Under no circumstances may you suppress, alter, evade or manipulate any protection devices or security systems that may be installed.

3. In no case shall it be understood that the User’s access and navigation implies a waiver, transmission, license or total or partial cession of said rights by IBERHIELO 1111 SL or, as the case may be, collaborators.

Consequently, it is not allowed to delete, avoid or manipulate the copyright notice and any other identification data of the rights of IBERHIELO 1111 SL or its owners incorporated into the contents, as well as the technical devices of protection or any information and / or identification mechanisms that may be included in the contents.

4. On the other hand, the distinctive signs (trademarks, trade names) that appear on this website are protected by industrial property rights, being prohibited the use or manipulation of any of these, unless expressly authorized in writing by IBERHIELO 1111 SL , or of the individual or legal entity that owns the distinctive signs exposed.



IBERHIELO 1111 SL will not be responsible, in general, with respect to the inappropriate use of the Web site. Users must make proper use of the Website in accordance with the conditions and terms set forth herein, without any liability may have IBERHIELO 1111 SL for improper use.

Regarding possible technical deficiencies.- IBERHIELO 1111 SL will not be responsible in any case for any alterations in the service that may occur due to failures in the electricity network, in the data connection network, in the server or in any other services.

With respect to access by third parties to its system.- IBERHIELO 1111 SL will adopt the necessary technical cautions in order to protect the data and information accessed, but without being responsible for actions of third parties that, in violation of established security measures, access the aforementioned data.

Regarding the accuracy of the Information.- The information contained in the site has been developed exclusively for information and have no official value, except when indicated.

The information and existing content can be changed or removed without prior notice. Likewise, improvements or changes may be made in the products, services, design or programs used for its operation at any time and without prior notice.

Liability with respect to Hypertexts and Links to other Sites or Pages.- The site contains links to other third party pages, whose contents can not be controlled at all times. The connection of a User from the site with these other places in the network outside our company will be made, therefore, under the sole responsibility of the navigator.

Consequently, the site can not guarantee, in relation to these other pages, its quality, accuracy or adequacy. In no way can be considered that these connections are an extension of our page, or that we share the views expressed in them or have any relationship with the products or services provided or sold by them.

However, if any information that could be contrary to the laws, to the dignity of the people, or of a racist, xenophobic or apologetic nature of terrorism or violence is observed, please inform us at the e-mail address: info@cerocelsius.com, in order to study the convenience of eliminating them.



IBERHIELO 1111 SL, is specially sensitized in the protection of personal data of the Users of the services of the Website. Through this Privacy Policy (hereinafter, the Policy) IBERHIELO 1111 SL informs USERS of the Website of the treatment and uses to which the personal data collected on the Website are submitted, in order to decide, freely and voluntarily, if you wish to provide the information requested.

IBERHIELO 1111 SL reserves the right to modify this Policy in order to adapt it to new legislation, jurisprudential criteria, practices of the sector, or interests of the entity. Any modification in the same will be announced with the due advance, so that you have perfect knowledge of its content.

The personal data processed or collected on the web are incorporated into files owned by IBERHIELO 1111 SL, duly registered in the General Data Protection Registry.

The purpose of the collection and processing of personal data through this website, is the management of customer service, before requests for information, questions and / or inquiries received through the contact form.

The personal data collected will not be transferred or communicated to third parties, except in the cases necessary for the development, control and fulfillment of the purpose / s, in the cases provided for by law, as well as in specific cases, of which the User is expressly informed.

In order that the data in our files, computer and / or paper, always correspond to reality, we will try to keep updated. In this sense, we hope that users inform us of possible changes in their data.

In compliance with article 22 of the Law on Services of the Information Society, modified by Royal Decree Law 13/2012, of March 30, and relating to the use of cookies on Web pages; IBERHIELO 1111 SL informs that this website uses cookies for browsing through our website to measure and analyze traffic, always with the aim of facilitating your experience as a user and offering you a better service.

Definition and function of Cookies

A cookie is a small file created by a website to store information on your computer, such as preferences when visiting a website. When you access a Web page that uses cookies, it requests the browser to store one or more cookies on the hard drive.

Cookies often save the configuration of websites, such as the preferred language or location.

Thus, when the user returns to that Web page, the browser checks the existing cookies, which allows him to provide services and personalized information according to the needs.

Cookies can also save information that personally identifies users, however this website does not use this type of cookies, and you will only have access to the personal information you provide through the contact form.

You can change the cookie settings of the browser you use, so that it allows you to automatically approve or reject cookie storage requests when the browser is closed and other additional options.

Revocation and deletion of Cookies

You can configure your browser to allow, block, eliminate or disable the cookies installed on your computer, by configuring the browser options.

In case you do not allow the installation of cookies in your browser, you may not be able to access any of the sections or features of this website.

To configure the browser, deactivate or manage the installation of cookies, and thus be automatically deleted once the browser, device or device is closed, you can obtain more information by “clicking” on the following links that we provide, in browser function you use:

Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer (Version 11), Internet Explorer (Version 10), Internet Explorer (Version 9), Internet Explorer (Version 7 & 8), Internet Explorer (Version 6), Opera, Safari web and Safari IOS.

In general, most browsers allow quick access to the deletion of browsing data by pressing the key sequence Ctrl + Shift + Delete, and Cookies can be deleted.

Update of our Cookies Policy

We may update our Cookies Policy on this website according to legal or technical requirements, so if you wish, we advise you to review this policy at some time, to be adequately informed about how and why we use cookies.

Last update: January 2018.

IBERHIELO 1111 SL has adopted in its information system the technical and organizational measures legally required, in order to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the stored data, avoiding, as far as possible, its alteration, loss, treatment or access not authorized.

In any case, you may exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and, where appropriate, opposition to your treatment, by means of a request accompanied by a copy of the DNI at the email address: info@cerocelsius.com



The present conditions and terms will be governed by the statutory, regulatory and Spanish legislation, which will be applicable to the provisions of this legal notice regarding interpretation, validity and execution.

The parties expressly waive the jurisdiction that may correspond and expressly submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Valencia to resolve any dispute that may arise in the interpretation or execution of these conditions.
